Current market valuations – Dec 31 2018
Where are we today with the stock market? Cheap, normal, expensive? US versus Europe versus Japan, Australia? Real estate? Gold?
IPT / EIP: “Individuele Pensioen Toezegging” / “Engagement Individuel de Pension” – Belgium
What? A pension saving formula according to belgian law “Individuele Pensioen Toezegging” / “EIP: Engagement Individuel de Pension” Your employer (or your company if you are self-employed) puts money into your personal savings fund instead of paying it directly to you.
VAPZ / PLCI (Vrij Aanvullend Pensioen Zelfstandigen / Pension Libre Complémentaire pour Indépendants)
A VAPZ (Vrij Aanvullend Pensioen Zelfstandigen) / PLCI (Pension Libre Complémentaire pour Indépendants) is a pension savings formula in Belgium for self-employed. This post is my whining on this popular savings vehicle.
Valuation of Berkshire Hathaway
What would be a correct price for a share of BRK today (21 Dec 2018) ? This post is written with one BRK class B share at $ 192.
The heavenly country of zero capital gain taxes
We’re not talking about an imaginaire heavenly country here. We’re talking about Belgium. Is it the investors Walhalla? Hmm, not so fast, let’s calculate that.