Category: Saving

Monthly investing via DRIP

Compound interest may be a miracle, but a monthly investing plan is at least as miraculous. If you add, say 300 EUR or USD each month, it is much easier to obtain a large savings egg compared to investing a lump sum because: It’s only a small amount each month You contribute in ups and…

By admin January 20, 2019 7

Comparison belgium pension savings formulas

Now that I have made detailed cases for three tax-advantage pension saving schemes, let’s summarize the three formulas in an easy overview. The detailed posts can be found here: personal pension saving: Individueel Pensioensparen / Epargne Pension VAPZ (Vrij Aanvullend Pensioen Zelfstandigen) / PLCI (Pension Libre Complémentaire pour Indépendants) IPT (Individuele Pensioen Toezegging) / EIP…

By admin January 6, 2019 0